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  • Writer's pictureCamryn

Sprinkling a Little Calm on Your Day

Welcome to my tea time! It's been a while, I know. Sometimes I put this high expectation on myself that my writing needs to be perfect and I need to have super long posts that are dense with information. I have a bunch of drafts but never seem to complete them because I start judging my work! And I have to constantly remind myself that this is just a fun little side hobby that only my friends are reading. There's no pressure!

Coffee and flan from Empanada Spanish Grill in Clifton

Today, I just wanted to discuss where I am in my life. A couple of months ago on my private Snapchat story, I posted about how I wasn't doing too hot mentally. Since that point, I've gone through many therapy sessions and listened to tons of self-help podcasts. I've been trying to find more activities that bring me joy and create more space between the people that bring up a lot of my negative emotions. And for those of you that somehow don't know yet, I'm doing the Disney College Program. Yay!!

My Disney College Program move in date is approaching! I'm beyond excited. A little nervous...But crazy excited. I can't wait to work in the resorts and explore the parks and find out all that downtown Orlando has to offer. I'm going to start a pin trading collection and a Minnie Mouse ears collection! And I'll have tons of pictures to share with you all.

As for where I am mentally in my life right now, I've been feeling better. I'm happier and can genuinely laugh at funny moments and the world looks brighter. When I was sad 24/7, the world seemed heavy and when the sun was shining, it was hard for my eyes to adjust and all I wanted to do was retreat back into a dark cave. I've gone back to enjoying the sunshine. But still, I experience a lot of sadness and anger. When I'm home, I feel like I'm not allowed to express those emotions because I'll be criticized and I've yet to find someone who understands what I'm going through completely. Of course, I know all of you beautiful readers who are also my lovely friends are there for me, but you're not always going to understand just like all of your closest friends and family won't always understand you. And that's okay. It's normal. But it's tough.

Of course, it's been ups and downs. Some days I'm bright and full of sunshine, other times I'm being suffocated by a cloud. When I'm home, the tougher days are tricky. It's not uncommon to be told phrases like, "You're not sick, you're faking it because you're lazy" "You're not trying hard enough" "You're wrong to feel that way" "If I can't relax, you can't relax" "You're mediocre". Somehow, in some twisted way, there's this belief in my house that guilting someone about feeling sad will make them happy. It's difficult to relax at home and I don't always get the sleep I need because my racing thoughts keep me up. Other times I sleep too much. My head hurts a lot of the time and my energy levels are all over the place, but I've improved on balancing myself out. I've been doing pretty well.

Imagine what it was like a few months ago when I was really depressed...I really have made a lot of progress and have gotten better at coping. So if I'm getting better at handling my sadness and stress, why am I telling you some of these dark thoughts I'm battling with? Because part of me still feels unheard and I'm hoping that by writing this post, I'll feel a little more connected and at peace. Who knows, maybe some of you can relate to what I'm saying and we can help one another out.

Since my house has a lot of frantic energy, I've found a few things I can do each morning that help me stay more balanced and resilient. Perhaps in seasons where you're insanely stressed out or even if you just want to find a little more peace in your every day, I hope you'll find use in these tips!

~Camryn's Tips for Peace~

Most of the tips I've listed here are all part of my morning routine, which is why I emphasize mornings a lot, but can easily be used throughout the day!

~Giving myself space

When I wake up, I like to keep my morning routine in silence. I try to go into the kitchen without being seen so I can grab my tea and water, then head back to my room to my thing. Having that quiet time allows me to find my center and bring peaceful energy when it's finally time for me to start interacting with people.

~No phone first thing!

I don't like looking through my phone first thing in the morning. Even during the day, I don't get too much out of scrolling through my phone, so why would I want it to be the thing that sets the tone? I keep my eyes off the screen until I'm done with my morning routine! I also try to keep my screen time to around 2 hours a day. Sometimes I end up with less, sometimes a lot more, but I try to avoid mindless activities that only make my brain go numb. Some of you may get a lot of joy from your phone so by all means, keep feeding that joy! But a few moments of screen-free time is good for your mind and eyes.

~Yoga in the morning

I understand that doing yoga isn't for everyone, but it's a lifesaver for me. Sometimes I look up a yoga YouTube video (my favorites are Yoga with Adriene and Sarah Beth Yoga in case you were looking for some recommendations lol) or I make my own flow. Getting my body moving and releasing tension helps a ton. Yoga is my thing, but working out or running or any sort of physical activity is a great way to get you going on your day.


Hydrate or die-drate. :) Get your system going by drinking some water first thing in the morning and chug throughout the rest of the day. Stress dehydrates your body so keep giving it fluids.


This wouldn't be Camryn's Tea Time if I didn't consume tea constantly! My house is somehow always freezing in the winter even when we have the heat on high! I go through several cups of tea a day, but I love mindfully sipping first thing in the morning. For my coffee drinkers, I recommend holding off on the coffee until you drink some water and/or some tea just so you don't dehydrate yourselves. Tea also hydrates you so if you don't chug water like it's your job, tea is a fabulous alternative.

~Gratitude Lists

Starting the day with a grateful heart makes me feel so happy! Finding things to be constantly grateful for has been a game-changer for me and has contributed to my healing journey. Learn more about how to create solid gratitude practice HERE!


I'm a fan of reading fiction books. When I'm feeling lonely, I have wonderful characters to go on adventures with and who can empathize with my feelings. If you're not into reading, you might find that same relief from watching a show.


If you look at my playlist, you'll laugh at me for the number of songs I have from the 2000s because I struggle to find music that I can really enjoy. But, I'm obsessed with musicals! Put on a musical for me, and I'll act out the characters in a highly dramatic way that'll make you smile. :) I'm not usually one to listen to music in the morning because I like the quiet, but if music is your thing then put on your pump-up playlist!

~Eat enough

Okay, so this is one I struggle with a lot. My stomach and I don't always get along but we're working on our relationship. Nonetheless, I try to eat enough so I at least feel fueled! I also can't eat much, so I'm mindful not to force myself to eat more than I can handle, even if I only managed to down three bites of my meal.


Over the summer, I purchased a suncatcher from a street fair and she's the cutest. I love seeing the little rainbow flecks all over my room! It brightens my day. Seeing the beautiful sun might just put a smile on your face! Same with a little fresh air.


I love self-help podcasts. I have a few favorites that I listen to all the time now because I feel like we're friends now. My BFF Rachel Hollis and I are vibing all the time. There's nothing like a good podcast to get you motivated and make you feel less lonely!


When I can't sleep, when I'm bored, or even when I just wanna clean, I organize my room. I throw things out that I don't use and donate what I can. I rearrange and refold and reorganize until there's more space in my room. Cleaning and organizing are therapeutic! It's so important for you to create space for yourself. We could get into a whole blog post about this one. If you're stressed and feel everything is out of order, try creating order in your room.

~CBD oil

It's perfectly legal! And actually helps. When I take it, I'm still stressed but I'm about to sort through my thoughts way better because the CBD stops them from racing and I notice I'm less irritable.

~Pretty smelling soap

I love getting handmade soaps that smell like heaven. It makes my showers a lot more relaxing and something to look forward to. For those of you that enjoy baths, I'm sure bath bombs will give you this same happy feeling. :)

When I'm at school, I usually only do a few of these things in the morning. On days off or weekends, I try to give myself the time to do as many of these things as I can! Especially in the morning as it sets a peaceful tone for my day.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found some help from it! Comment below if you have any stress management tips below! I'd love to hear about the ways you find some calm in your day. :)

Lots of love,


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