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  • Writer's pictureCamryn

No Justice, No Peace

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Hello, my loves.

I want to dedicate this tea time to the Black Lives Matter movement and share some of my thoughts in an effort to add more light to the world.

I know I don't know what it feels like to be discriminated against, but I do know that it's not okay. As a white person, I did the best I could with the perspective I have to arrange some tips on how to make the most of this time. It's not much and it's not anywhere near perfect, but I feel that anything we do to make the world a better place counts for something.

This post discusses how we can help others in the world and how to empower one another so the movement has a bigger impact.


Do not assume that because someone isn't posting, they're not supporting.

There are people who are never vocal on social media but are passionate about creating changes in this world. Some people may prefer to donate, sign petitions, and educate themselves silently. They could also be trying to figure out the right words to say and are biding their time before they start speaking out. Assuming they're racist or don't care about the black community is unfair.

Our voices are a priceless tool to create change, but so are our actions. Every little bit we do to contribute to the BLM and create an anti-racist world is a good one.

Until you know someone's exact situation and understand the reasons why they're choosing to support silently, continue focusing on yourself and the changes you can make. You're already doing an incredible job to create change in the world. Keep going. Worry about what you can do.

Encourage others, don't criticize.

All over social media, I've seen nasty messages about how individuals should be ashamed of themselves for posting the black square on their Instagram if they haven't spoken up yet. The point of Black Out Tuesday was to bring more awareness to the injustices going on in the world and create a bigger sense of community. For some, this might have been an encouraging way for them to start speaking out, but now feel shut down because of the harsh criticism going around.

No, a black IG square isn't going to create world peace, but it does bring awareness. If you're genuinely bothered by someone's square post and feel that they haven't contributed to the movement, consider reaching out to them. Say something gentle like, "Hey, I noticed you made this post and I think it's great that you're starting to get involved in the movement. I'm really passionate about BLM and wanted to know how else you've been contributing or if you'd like me to refer you to some resources."

You're probably thinking, "Why would I want to say anything gentle? This is a time of anger!" I understand where you're coming from, but save your anger for people who are actually racist. Let that fire fuel you to keep donating, signing petitions, and going to protests. Don't misplace that anger.

This movement is meant to move forward from the amount of hate that's been going on in the world and step into love. Attacking others is simply spreading more hate. We are in the midst of an empowering revolution that's supposed to unite us.

Give people a moment to change.

There are plenty of racists out there. It's possible that some racist individuals are now realizing how wrong it is to treat other groups of people poorly based on the color of their skin. Give those people that are slowly realizing all the injustices in the world a moment to catch up. There are absolutely people that are willing to change their perspective!

So, let's allow people to change their views without criticizing them for their old ones.

Let's educate others and allow them to change their perspectives without telling them how they "should" be thinking. No one likes being told what they "should" do, how they "should" feel, or who they "should" be. Continue speaking out and inspiring in a way that feels right to you, and other people will start to follow your lead.

Most police officers are good.

The police officers who have murdered innocent black individuals deserve to be thrown in prison. People who have suffered deserve justice. But assuming that all police officers are bad is unfair and frankly doesn't make sense since we're fighting against individuals believing entire groups of people are bad.

I believe we all have a right to be infuriated by officers who have abused their power and have gotten away with it. I also believe that some bad cops are still roaming around, but I truly believe there are so many good cops out there with the best of intentions who want to serve and protect their community. Because of the bad image officers are receiving in the media, people are attacking the good cops. These are officers with families, friends, and dreams. Just because there are a few bad cops out there, that doesn't give anyone an excuse to attack the good officers.

Set your assumptions aside and be compassionate to the officers who are true to their jobs. Believe me, there are more good cops than there are bad.

Educate yourself.

Read books. Read articles. Talk to other people. Soak up as much information as you can. Follow black influencers. Hear their stories. We are forever students. Want some resources? Take a look at the next point...

Recently, I read the book The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, a fiction book that explains a lot of the dark experiences the black community goes through. I recommend reading this to expand your knowledge. I'm also open to hearing your recommendations to expand my knowledge! I know that reading one book is not enough to have a deep understanding of what's going on.

Know your resources. is an excellent hub to find resources to support and educate yourself on the BLM movement. I also stumbled across this Cosmopolitan article that lists TONS. I encourage you to take a look at these if you want more intensive lists of how to support the movement.


I think it's a wonderful thing if you're able to donate money to support the BLM movement. But, we're still in the middle of a pandemic. There are still millions of people who are unemployed and don't have the means to give away their money. If you don't have the means to donate, you can still help in other ways.


Be consistent.

The petition for George Floyd is currently's largest petition. That's phenomenal! Because of the outrage his death has caused, the officers were charged. But if you look at the other petitions out there for BLM, they don't have nearly as many signatures and the people involved in the injustices haven't been charged yet. Bring your passion for justice and support all of these other cases as well. The effort so far that the world is seeing is incredible, but we can't stop here. The fight for equality isn't over yet.


Register to vote and exercise that right. Vote for people who will make the positive changes you hope to see in our country. Vote for people who believe in equality for all. Your vote can and will make a difference!

Be patient with yourself and everyone else.

Like I said before, we're still in the middle of a pandemic and that alone has been a lot to handle. People are going through hardship because of the virus. Not everyone has the capacity to put all of their energy into the BLM movement. Be compassionate to one another.

Know that it's also okay if you need to take a break from social media. It's so important to still be in tune with current events, especially in a time like this, but if you find yourself getting increasingly anxious every time you check your phone, you can put it down. It doesn't make you a bad person. It doesn't mean you don't care. It means you need to recharge.

It's normal if you feel helpless in a time like this. We're dealing with a lot of serious issues. Remember that your effort counts and to take care of yourself along the way.

Be safe.

I love seeing how many people are taking to the streets and standing up for what they believe in. I hope to keep seeing that passion. But this is just a reminder to stay safe while you protest or do anything else. Please be careful if you go out to protest and take all precautions to minimize your risk of getting the virus.

Remember, we're still in the middle of a global pandemic.

Even though states are opening back up, cases are rising. The coronavirus is still a huge and current issue. Frontline workers are still struggling. That being said, keep supporting BLM. Go out there with a burning passion to change the world. Create your signs. Demand justice. And while you're at it, make a mask... or two... or twenty... for donation. And after that, maybe donate hand cream to local hospitals since the workers need to wash their hands so much their hands crack. Just sayin'.


Equality is not a phase. Justice is not a phase. Fight harder. This is a long journey and it's going to take a long time before we see the world starting to shift. The BLM is already making a difference. Keep that momentum going.


I hope I live to see an anti-racist world where there is justice and equality for all.


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