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  • Writer's pictureCamryn

Delicious Mug Brownie Recipe!

If you know me, you know I love mug desserts. I love mug desserts! So much! I love mugs. I love dessert. Put those two together and I'm in heaven! And, of course, you also know about my chocolate addiction... So how would I be able to resist a brownie in a mug?!

Greetings, my beautiful tea party guests! I have a wonderful brownie in a mug recipe for you. Please, don't judge the photo quality. I'm still not back at home so I don't have access to my pretty mugs. Also, my sweet tooth craving for this specific recipe doesn't hit until after dinner so the lighting isn't that great. I'm not about to disobey the laws of my sensitive stomach and have a midday brownie. I don't make the rules. Even though the pictures aren't fantastic, this recipe is! It's super simple and quick. Plus, you only need a tablespoon so you don't even have to worry about using other measuring tools!

Remember, a tablespoon is different than a teaspoon. The tablespoon is the bigger one. :)

Camryn's Ooey Gooey Yummy Mug Brownie

2 tablespoons flour (All-Purpose flour, gluten-free flour, or spelt flour)

1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1 tablespoon oil (vegetable or coconut oil)

1 tablespoon milk

OPTIONAL 1 teaspoon Nutella or to taste

  1. Mix the dry ingredients in a mug with a fork until completely mixed.

  2. Add wet ingredients and mix until a batter is formed.

  3. Option to put a little dollop of Nutella and press it down to the center.

  4. Microwave for 45-50 seconds depending on microwave wattage.

  5. Option to top with ice cream.

  6. Enjoy!

Some notes on the substitutions... The milk I used was unsweetened vanilla almond milk, but any milk will work! If you're using the Nutella filling, feel free to skimp a little on the sugar so your brownie isn't overwhelmingly sweet. Since I'm not home, I wasn't able to experiment with the alternative ingredients because I don't have access to them at the moment. I've only used this recipe with AP flour, but I've used gluten-free flour and spelt flour for other mug recipes and they haven't failed me yet! I would also say you could use coconut oil instead of vegetable because that's another alternative that's never failed me.

Perhaps, if you're a mug dessert enthusiast as I am, you're wondering why I didn't add a pinch of salt. Well, for some bizarre reason I can always taste the salt no matter how tiny of a pinch I put, so I just omit it. You're more than welcome to throw a teeny tiny pinch of salt in with the dry ingredients if you don't have strangely salt-sensitive taste buds like me. As far as I'm concerned, it tastes lovely without it.

This cute lil brownie is glorious when topped with ice cream and served with a side of milk. It's just the right size to kick that sweet tooth craving! And if you're a chocolate lover, I don't see how you could resist something so wonderful. When this cutie pops out of the microwave, your kitchen is going to get filled with a divine chocolate smell. Beware, your family might beg you to make them one as well.

Look at this gooey perfection!

Let me know if you try my mug brownie recipe! Trust me, it won't disappoint. I bet I'd win the Great British Baking Show with this one.

Lots of love,


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